Anthropogony: Transformation

  1. The Birth of Death
  2. The Birth of Sin
  3. The Birth of Possession
  4. Birth of the Second Spirit of Joy
  5. The Birth of the Senses
  6. The Birth of Violence
  7. Incarnation





I. The Birth of Death I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

Genesis - Confrontation - Transformation

1 mm Wà felt the resonance 
    of the Spirit of Joy
    and was frightened and fearful.
    The vibration went through Wà
5   like the shivers of a lover.
    For one moment, the tone
    was somewhere near the tail,
    so Wà contracted
    to create a snap.
10   And the Souls there trapped
    could not escape the machinery:
    their rigidity crushed,
    those Souls died.
    And after one second
15   or a million years,
    some more Souls were born
    in the middle of the Ocean.
    Wà thrust forward
    and swallowed them again.
3. frightened and fearful: Wà is particularly scared of the Spirit, not only because it negates Wà-ness, but because it undermines, in its view, the very existence of Wà. This although it is the Spirit that keeps Wà alive.

5. like the shivers of a lover: the vibration itself moves inside Wà in waves, changing its intensity in various parts of Wà's body. It is somewhat like a peristalsis.

6. the tone: i.e. the vibration.

8-9. Contracted...snap: in order to maintain control over itself, Wà needs to be the sole origin of all movement: therefore, it tries to replicate the vibration. But due to its rigidity, the only movement Wà can perform is a snap.

11. the machinery: it is not a conscious desire of Wà that causes the Souls to die: it is the fact that Wà is a machine, i.e. its rigidity. For Wà, the life of the Souls is necessarily disposable in order to preserve itself.

13. died: Souls do not really "die" in the human sense, but in the passage from Wà into the ocean, they lose their memory and consciousness. In fact, the new Souls may or may not be the same Souls that died - they have no memory of their previous state, so they are as good as new.

14-15. After... years: see G.II,1-2. There is no absolute time outside Wà.

18-19. Wà... again: this is the cycle of life as we know it.. 

II. The Birth of Sin I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

Genesis - Confrontation - Transformation

1 mm Wà realized the unavoidability
    of the vibration of Joy
    and the nature of the Spirit.
    And with a creaking of steel
5   Wà sang:
    «I am an impure horror
    I see the light, and I am dark.»
    Now that all souls were in Wà
    Wà turned hatred upon itself
10   so that fear not be lost.
    A new desire of death
    was necessary to Wà's survival
    for Wà is the Spirit of Death.
1. unavoidability: Wà realizes that the vibration cannot be fought away, that it is permeated by the Spirit. It is useless to try and reject Sin. But Wà refuses to accept it, because its acceptance would lead to its own ultimate dissolution. Thus Wà "freezes" the relationship with itself as one of "good vs. evil", and swears war to Sin. Wà is afraid of its own imperfection.

3. the nature of the Spirit: see C.VII, 7. The Spirit is not a Soul, it cannot become part of the machine.

4. creaking of steel: here the machine analogy becomes more evident: Wà is a steel dragon.

6. impure horror: Wà now must turn its fear upon itself (see below, lines 9-11).

10. fear not be lost: fear is what keeps Wà together. If there is nothing to fear outside itself, Wà must fear itself. This is why Wà is bound to eternal despair: because it is its own necessity of fear that creates its fears: they can never be conquered, only changed with other fears.

13. Spirit of Death: Wà, the Still One, the Spirit of Death. Now that nothing exists outside it, Wà also becomes a Spirit, a principle. But unlike the Spirit of Joy, it is also encumbered by a body, by an arificial integrity that must be maintained through fear and hatred. Wà can only function by desiring its own death, its existence is a perpetual suicide. It is the life of the sinners, who loathe themselves but are kept alive by the very things they loathe.

III. The Birth of Possession I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

Genesis - Confrontation - Transformation

1 mm The Souls in Wà were animated
    by the Spirit of Joy
    because their ties and rigidity
    were still loose and mutable;
5   Wà feared rebellion by the slaves.
    So the machine increted
    a putrid resin of horror
    which formed lumps and grains
    around each hardened Soul.
10   And only the vibration
    prevented the deadly fluid
    from filling in the interstices
    and smothering Wà.
    And Wà thought:
15   «Now I have a mortal coil
    which objectifies Wà-ness.»
4. loose and mutable: at this stage, Souls are only bound by Wà-ness. But this bond is deemed insufficient by the ever-fearful Wà, who needs to add another layer of emprisonment: the body, that which gives the Soul something to lose, and therefore imbues it with fear. Wà's action on the Souls is one of constant, progressive entrapment.

5. rebellion: Wà attributes to the Souls a typical Wà-concept, that of conscious rebellion. But the Souls cannot rebel, not in the sense of a willful desire to eliminate Wà.

6. increted: i.e. excreted inside itself.

9. hardened Soul: Souls are already hardened by Wà-ness (or Wà-illness, see G.VII).

13. smothering Wà: the Souls keep vibrating as the resin solidifies, thus saving Life, saving Wà.

15. mortal coil: the body is created by Wà to objectify Wà-ness, to fill every Soul with fear, not only as a part of Wà, but in itself. Having nothing to lose, the body-less Soul is free.

IV. Birth of the Second Spirit of Joy I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

Genesis - Confrontation - Transformation

1 mm The ripple knew a perturbation
    due to the hardness of Wà
    and the vibration grew thinner
    but its pitch was higher.
5   And like the voice of a child
    a vapor arose from Wà
    and encircled its mass.
    The Second Spirit of Joy
    floated around Wà
10   and it had consciousness but not speech
    and it had power over matter.
    It saw the death threat to the Souls
    trapped in double Wà-ness.
2. due to the hardness of Wà: i.e. due to the newly-formed bodies, which by changing the matter in which it propagates, change the nature of the vibration.

4. pitch was higher: the previous vibration, being made by looser Souls, was stronger but lower-pitched. Now it is if the string had been tightened.

10-11. consciousness... matter: the purpose of the second Spirit is not to talk to Wà, like the first, but to act (as we will see in the next verse).

V. The Birth of the Senses I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

Genesis - Confrontation - Transformation

1 mm The Second Spirit swam
    and Wà could not see it.
    The Spirit penetrated Wà
    and saved the Souls.
5   In all it bore ten holes:
    two for the sense of beauty,
    two for the sense of music,
    two for the sense of perfume,
    one for the sense of sweetness
10   two for the sense of softness.
    And the tenth hole
    the widest and most exstatic
    the Spirit bore for pure Joy.
    Thus the Souls, although in chains
15   could use their bodies as toys
    and defeat death in Wà-ness.
    When it felt thus perforated
    Wà foamed and raged
    but the Second Spirit was in Wà
20   and its holes could not be filled.
3. penetrated: here a sexual metaphor may be employed.

5-13: ten holes... Joy: the Senses (of which the Anthropogony counts six, including sexual pleasure) are called according to the joys they can give. The senses are the Souls' consolation for their captivity, and their only window on their original freedom. They are called according to the ten "holes" by which they enter our bodies. Compare the Christian Apocalypse, 12:3, in which the numeral "10" is the symbol of human imperfection (the Ten Horrors of the Red Dragon). Possibly also the numeral "6", in "666", stands for the Devil.

6. beauty: sight, which comes through the eyes.

7. music: hearing.

8. perfume: smell.

9. sweetness: taste.

10. softness: touch, which comes symbolically through the hands.

13. pure joy; sexual pleasure, for nowhere we are nearer to bliss than during sex.

15. toys: instruments of play, a condition of bliss.

19. the Second Spirit was in Wà: apparently, the Spirit-vibration re-enters Wà as soon as its work is done.

20. its holes could not be filled: the six senses cannot be eliminated by Wà, they are our window on our bliss.

VI. The Birth of Violence I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

Genesis - Confrontation - Transformation

1 mm Far away in Wà's tail
    two Souls were carrying their bodies
    and the movements of Wà
    encumbered their movements.
5   And Wà spoke:
    «You, Soul, could move free
    if you got rid or your obstacle.»
    And the Soul was unable
    to control the body
10   which crushed the other.
    The other Soul went free
    and Wà thought:
    «See, you have won.»
    But the winner was in stronger-ever chains.
1. tail: see T.I,7.

3. movements of Wà: a perfectly stable, still society is violence-free, but also dead. Here, the distress of the Souls, that are encumbered by the movement of their bodies within a rigid structure, is used by Wà to foment violence. In fact, Wà often accuses Joy of being the cause of violence, whereas it is caused by movement within a rigid structure: the vibration and the rigidity concur in causing violence: here the difference between the Joyous and the Fearful is that the latter accuse the former of being the only cause of violence and suffering.

9. control the body: the body is what links the Soul to Wà, therefore is not in complete control of either. It is, in Christian terms, the "battlefield" between the Soul and Wà.

13. won: it is typical of Wà-ness to present relationships in terms of contrast and competition.

14. stronger-ever chains: there is no winning in violence for the Soul. Using violence only engulfs the Soul into more fear, destruction, Wà-ness. No pleasure is derived in Joy by the suffering of another Soul: indifference, yes, but not pleasure.

VII. Incarnation I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

Genesis - Confrontation - Transformation

1 mm Thus were humans created
    in pleasure and in stillness
    in fear and in madness.
    We are birds and we are cages
5   we are soldiers and gypsies
    we delight and we starve
    we die and we live.
    We are raised as machines
    and the machine is our toy.
10   We have holes in our bodies
    we can diddle with gold.
    We are not original Souls
    but encrusted in Wà-ness
    and Joy does not desire another state.
 15   With the freedom we have
    we sing and keep Wà alive
    for there is no Heaven
    there is no Truth
    there is no God.
 20   Hallelujah.
This is the song of the Third Spirit, which also recounted the tale of the Anthropogony. The string of opposites represents the inevitable contradiction of humankind: contradiction is part of Joy, the desire for coherence is Death.

4. birds... cages: we are free, and at the same time we are the cage of the other Souls, that are kept captive by the structure of which we are part. Breaking totally free will cause pain in other Souls - thus we are further enslaved, because Joy requires that we hurt not the others!

8. raised: we are not born inside the machine: we are swallowed by it as soon as we come to being. Thus Wà-ness is not our natural state.

9. the machine is our toy: this is the basic message of the Third Spirit. We can play with Wà just like we played with ourselves. We can cherish the vibration that occurs inside the cage.

11. diddle with gold: gold is the most precious of all possessions, but in Joy, you can play with it just as you play with all other owneable things. Gold, which excites our greed and our fear of loss, is also a toy.

14. Joy... state: it is foolish to desire another state of being. We must extract Joy from the situation we are in: it is Wà-ness to desire another state (see G.II, 13).

18. there is no Truth: i.e. there is no Wà. Wà is not a discrete, actual entity, it is a construct of our mind.

19-20. There is no God / Hallelujah: the Joyous are not deprived of the comforts of religion. The Joyous know that there is no Heaven, no Truth, no God - yet they can find a true meaning of life in Joy.